Now What?!
Organization & Network Partners
October 14 - November 22, 2019

Organizations and networks that commit to becoming Now What?! Partners help convene and share the learning from the pop-up gathering, support Deep Dive inquiries that directly serve their needs, and co-create a commons in service to LIFE.
To explore becoming a Now What?! Partner for the Oct-Nov edition, review the information below and then request a personal invitation conversation.
Oct-Nov Partners
Food Solutions New England (provisional)
Your organization or network?
Organization & Network Partner Invitation
THE POSSIBILITY: help convene a global “pop-up” gathering in order to...
Use Now What?! to create opportunities for deep inquiry within a Partner organization or network, on themes and questions that are directly relevant to its members, stakeholders, etc.
Weave across multiple organizations and networks to support them in learning from one another, building greater coherence, and surfacing opportunities for collaboration
Promote a Partner’s work to the wider world
Propagate this pop-up model in many forms, including the establishment of Now What?! as a regular semi-annual engagement, and also potentially in a bespoke version designed to serve a specific Partner (distinct from Now What?!)
THE REQUESTS: as a network partner you are asked to make these commitments...
Develop a plan for inviting your members or stakeholders to participate in Now What?!
Develop a plan for sharing what is being learned during the course of Now What?! and once it is complete
Be listed on the Now What?! website as a network partner and an endorser of the Now What?! Declaration of Possibility
A note about these commitments: the specific form that your invitation and communications plans is totally up to you. Collective members are available to support you in thinking through what might make the most sense for your particular org or network, if desired.
Additional Invitations for Network Partners
Help frame one or more of the Deep Dive inquiries that will form the basis for dialogue among Now What?! participants (see working doc here)
Request support for convening one or more iterations of the Deep Dive conversations exclusively for members of your network, in person and/or virtually
Invite Now What?! participants to join events that you are convening, as “field trips” in support of our collective inquiry.