Now What?!
October 14 - November 22, 2019

Please register to receive regular updates and invitations as the gathering unfolds.
Registrants also have the option of appearing on the Now What?! Network Map, where you can share information about yourself, your work, your connections, conversations you are interested in, needs and offers, and more!
Choose one of the options below
If you choose this option, you will receive an email within two days containing a personal link to the participation survey that completes your registration.
NOTE: if you began the Full Registration process and got through Step 3, completing the Quick Sign-up below is redundant. You should already have received the email with your personal survey link.
Please follow this process if you wish to complete your registration right away. It requires that you have access now to the email you will be using for your registration.
Click here and then complete the opt-in form you see in the window that opens
Check your email for your four digit code to confirm your identity
Enter your code on the opt-in form
Check your email for the survey link and use that to access the registration survey
Complete the registration survey
Once you have registered in this way, you will be visible on the participants map, unless you choose to opt out of that feature.